[Salon] Ten Principles of a New International Security and Development Architecture | The Schiller Institute

Please see the Ten Principles of a New Security and Development Architecture below, which have been proposed by Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche, as the basis of discussion worldwide for establishing such a new architecture to resolve the current crisis, leading potentially to nuclear war. 

At the recent Empire Salon with Bruce Fein, on “The Counterrevolution Against the Constitution “, I referred to these Ten Principles as being based on the same higher  Universal Principle as reflected in the  Declaration of Independence and the Constitution ( As particularly summarized in the Preamble), as opposed to the Empire concept, promoted by the British Empire, against whom we fought the American Revolution. 

If you have any thoughts about the concept of these principles to establish a new relation among nations, or about each principle in particular, please feel free to email me. 



Gerald Belsky 

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